Oxygen Gas

Industrial oxygen gas is used by large industries use to produce daily products. It is ideal for combustion and sometimes for boosting chemical reactions. 

But, it is not for breathing, unlike medical gases. Though, it plays a vital role in the assembly of elements that you use daily. The steel industry is one of the main users of oxygen. The main use of this gas is combustion. There are some materials that cannot burn in normal air. So, this gas helps in the burning of these elements by mixing with air. 

Difference between Industrial Oxygen Gas and Medical Oxygen Gas

It is easy to differentiate these two gases after reading more of this article. Clinics and hospitals use medical oxygen to keep needed blood oxygen levels. If not, then there is a direct risk of death.

In the same way, it’s essential for the human respiratory system to work and function. So when the respiratory system has an illness that leads it to not receiving enough oxygen, that is when medical oxygen is needed.

Most People tend to consider industrial gas and medical gas the same. But, both gases are different in many ways. Following this, one of the main distinctions is you can not breathe industrial oxygen. It is because this gas has a low purity level that humans can not inhale. In addition, it is often seen that industrial oxygen tanks carry toxins that are not in medical tanks, followed by the FDA regulations.

Uses of Industrial Oxygen Gas

Now that you know the difference, it’s time to know the uses of this gas. Some of its common uses include:

Aerospace and Plane: For years, firms are using it to make and start bipropellant vehicles. 

  • Automotive and Transportation Equipment: This gas is helpful in laser cutting. The automotive industry uses this gas as plasma cutting gas (aid in laser cutting).  
  • Chemicals: The industrial sites use its pure form to prepare many chemicals such as ethylene oxide and titanium dioxide. Sometimes they use it for flaming as well.
  • Glass: Many glass-producing companies use it to improve flaming in glass kilns. 
  • Paper: It works as a bleaching agent in making paper and similar products.

Other than large scale business uses, the uses of industrial oxygen are:

Welding, cutting, etc

Metal manufacturing

Creating certain fuels

Can you breathe Industrial Oxygen?

Simply, No. You should avoid breathing industrial-grade oxygen. Why??? Experts guarantee that medical oxygen doesn’t contain pollutants and moisture. They also confirm that it has a stable oxygen percentage.

In addition, one must clean carrying tanks to some levels that no chemical harm a human before refilling. Also, in scientific terms, we call it human-grade certification. Industrial oxygen gas does not hold this human-grade certification, so it is not safe to breathe in it.

In conclusion, call us or email us for Industrial Oxygen