Carbon dioxide Gas
We all are aware of carbon dioxide gas. It is the gas that we exhale during respiration. All of us have read about it in our primary schools.
Plants use it in the process of photosynthesis. It helps them in the formation of food. Its chemical formula is CO2. There is one carbon atom for every two oxygen atoms.
Let’s have a look at some more important details of carbon dioxide. Further, we will see how it is important in our daily lives.
Importance of Carbon dioxide Gas
This gas contains one part carbon and two parts oxygen. It can produce carbohydrates. Moreover, it also helps in the survival of life on earth.
If we see carbon dioxide from this aspect, we can understand its use. This is because all animals and humans directly depend on plants for their food. Food is prepared by a process called photosynthesis in the presence of CO2 gas. In short, CO2 is crucial to life.
Structure and Bonding
Here is some useful information. It will give you an idea of the structure of CO2 molecules.
- The carbon dioxide molecule is centrosymmetric at equilibrium.
- The carbon dioxide molecule is symmetrical. Its bending modes also have the same energy.
- The length of the carbon-oxygen bond in carbon dioxide is 116.3 pm.
- Carbon dioxide is soluble in water. Its molecules form a weak bonding with water. They form carbonic acid which is a very weak acid. It incompletely ionizes in water.
CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3
Properties of Carbon-dioxide Gas
The carbon dioxide gas is acidic. In CO2, carbon is double covalently bonded to the oxygen atoms. It is not naturally found in the earth’s atmosphere. Moreover, it exists only as a trace gas.
Its natural sources include geysers, hot springs, and volcanoes.
Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in water. Due to this reason, it is abundantly available in rivers. Further, it is also found in lakes.
An interesting piece of information!
Carbon dioxide has various rarely known other names such as:
- Carbonic acid gas
- Carbon(IV) oxide
- Carbonic dioxide
Moreover, its other names include:
- R-744 (refrigerant)
- R744 (refrigerant alternative spelling)
- Dry ice (solid phase)
- Carbonic anhydride
Is Carbon-dioxide harmful?
Carbon dioxide is very important to maintain life on earth. However, a very high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to various diseases.
Further, global warming is the result of excess CO2 in the environment.
In addition, the release of carbon dioxide by automobiles has posed serious threats to health. Let’s have a look at some of the harmful effects of CO2. Let’s dive in.
- Low productivity
- Confusion and restlessness
- Anxiety and depression
- Drowsiness
Moreover, there are some other reasons as well. Therefore, we should know some more.
- Elevated blood pressure level and increased heart rate.
- Sweating
- Headache
In short, it has various disadvantages in large quantities.
The Bottom Line
From the above discussion, it is evident that carbon dioxide is a very important compound. However, its large quantities are not good for your health. Therefore, it needs to be used carefully. In the end, we should also accept the importance. Finally, it is useful for all of us.
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